This is the new documentation of Custom Applications. You can still visit the legacy documentation during the migration from Project-level Custom Applications.


Migrating from Project-level Custom Applications

When we released Custom Applications a couple of years ago we had one main goal: to provide a great developer experience for developing and extending Merchant Center functionalities. Over time we have constantly improved this experience and broadened our set of tools and components to further help developers focusing on what matters: productivity.

We also gathered lots of valuable feedback both from our internal teams and especially from external partners and developers.

As a result, we started working on new important features and improvements of all aspects of Custom Applications, from documentation to database models. In this document we explain what's new, what changed, and how to actually migrate.

Please take your time and read this document carefully to familiarize yourself with the changes, new concepts, and steps required to migrate your existing Custom Applications.

Project-level Custom Applications must be migrated until the end of July 2022.
During this period, Project-level Custom Applications still work but are considered in maintenance mode. Adding new Project-level Custom Applications won't be possible anymore.

After the migration deadline, Project-level Custom Applications won't be accessible anymore.

Introducing Org-level Custom Applications

The new release of Custom Applications is what we call and refer to as Org-level Custom Applications.

Before we go into details about the new release and features, let's define some of the terminology used in the documentation:

  • Org-level Custom Applications refers to the new release and it's the default functionality from now on. Application Kit packages (@commercetools-frontend/*) must use version >= 21.
  • Project-level Custom Applications refers to the legacy functionality up until now. This is still available in maintenance mode during the migration period and will be removed afterwards.

The documentation for Project-level Custom Applications remains available for the migration period.

Up until now, Project-level Custom Applications had to be defined on a per Project level (hence the term) under Settings > Custom Applications. After registering a new Custom Application you could activate it and start using it. The Custom Application was only available for that specific Project. If you wanted to use the Custom Application in another Project, you would need to go through the registration process all over again.

With the introduction of Org-level Custom Applications we intend to improve that process and enable new features for the time being and for the future.

Managing Custom Applications is done now on Organization level rather than the Project level. One of the main advantages is being able to configure a Custom Application once, and use it in multiple Projects.

OAuth Scopes and user permissions

Project-level Custom Applications weren't able to define which Composable Commerce OAuth Scopes were needed. It could only rely on the implicit OAuth Scopes defined for user permissions of the default Merchant Center applications (Organizations > Teams > Permissions).

Let us look at an example. The user permission ViewProducts maps internally to some OAuth Scopes, like view_products, view_states, view_types. If a Custom Application has to use the States API, it would need to use the ViewProducts permission to properly authorize the user to perform the API requests. Therefore, using the ViewProducts permission makes the Custom Application work by chance to be able to interact with the States API.

What if this mapping of user permissions and OAuth Scopes would change? Custom Applications relying on this undocumented and implicit behavior would stop working. Furthermore, if a Custom Application would require to use a Composable Commerce API with OAuth Scopes that are not mapped to any user permissions, it wouldn't be even possible.

With the introduction of Org-level Custom Applications we intend to change this behavior and empower Custom Applications to take control of their requirements.

Custom Applications must specify the list of OAuth Scopes needed by the application. The list of OAuth Scopes also maps to a unique pair of user permissions specific to the Custom Application. For example, in the Custom Application config you would configure the OAuth Scopes as following:

"oAuthScopes": {
"view": ["view_states"],
"manage": []

This mapping means that OAuth Scopes defined in the view field are assigned to the "view" permission and OAuth Scopes defined in the manage field are assigned to the "manage" permission. The new user permissions pair (view/manage) of each Custom Application can then be assigned in the Organizations > Teams > Permissions settings, like any other permission.

As a result, Custom Applications OAuth Scopes and user permissions become completely decoupled from the default Merchant Center applications and allow to actually fulfill many more use cases for Custom Applications.

Why should you migrate?

The Project-level Custom Applications will become end-of-life after the migration period. All related functionalities will be removed by then.

Migrating to Org-level Custom Applications allows you to use the new features and functionalities and to benefit from any future improvements.

Step by step

Migrating your existing Project-level Custom Applications to Org-level Custom Applications is relative straight-forward, but it requires to understand the new concepts like OAuth Scopes and user permissions.

As for the Custom Application code, there are some small changes to be applied in regards to the configuration file, the permissions, and possibly some of the tests setup.

In general there are 2 parts of the migration: development changes and configuration of the new Custom Application in the Merchant Center.

Upgrade packages to v21

Upgrade your Application Kit packages (@commercetools-frontend/*) to version >= 21. Follow the instructions in the release note.

If you need to upgrade from several major versions behind, we recommend to go through the migration guides of each major version first.

Update the Custom Application config

The Custom Application config has been enhanced with more required fields:

"name": "Avengers app",
"entryPointUriPath": "avengers",
"cloudIdentifier": "gcp-eu",
"env": {
"development": {
"initialProjectKey": "<project_key>"
"production": {
"applicationId": "<application_id>",
"url": ""
"oAuthScopes": {
"view": ["view_states", "view_products"],
"manage": ["manage_products"]
"icon": "${path:@commercetools-frontend/assets/application-icons/rocket.svg}",
"mainMenuLink": {
"defaultLabel": "Avengers",
"labelAllLocales": [],
"permissions": [],
"submenuLinks": [
"uriPath": "new",
"defaultLabel": "Add Avenger",
"labelAllLocales": [],
"permissions": [],

See Custom Application config for more information about each field.

Choose the entryPointUriPath

The entryPointUriPath is the identifier of the Custom Application similar to the projectKey used in Composable Commerce APIs.

With the introduction of Org-level Custom Applications, the entryPointUriPath is considered unique within each cloud Region environment. Duplicates are not allowed.

Choosing the entryPointUriPath becomes then more important and should be done carefully as it affects routing and permissions.

The entryPointUriPath value must adhere to the following restrictions:

  • Only lowercase alphanumeric characters are allowed.
  • Must be between 2 and 64 characters.
  • Underscores and hyphens are allowed except as leading, trailing, and adjacent characters.

Furthermore, the entryPointUriPath value is bound to user permissions of the Custom Application. It is used to derive the unique name of the user permissions.
The name consists of the following format: {View,Manage}<EntryPointUriPath>.

Here are some examples:

entryPointUriPathUser permission

This ensures that user permissions are unique for each Custom Application too.

Migrate user permissions

If the Custom Application was relying on existing user permissions such as ViewProducts or ManageOrders, you need to change that.

As explained in OAuth Scopes and user permissions, Custom Applications are now decoupled from the default Merchant Center applications and thus from their user permissions.

In the Custom Application config you need to explicitly define the oAuthScopes needed by the Custom Application and map them in the oAuthScopes.view and oAuthScopes.manage fields. These fields relate to the unique user permissions pair of your Custom Application, as explained in Choose the entryPointUriPath, and are the only permission values that your Custom Application is able to use.

In your Custom Application code we recommend to define a constants file with at least the following variables:

  • entryPointUriPath

Use the entryPointUriPathToPermissionKeys to automatically compute the permission values based on the entryPointUriPath. The function should be imported using the @commercetools-frontend/application-shell/ssr package entry point (note the ssr import).

import { entryPointUriPathToPermissionKeys } from '@commercetools-frontend/application-shell/ssr';
export const entryPointUriPath = 'avengers';
export const PERMISSIONS = entryPointUriPathToPermissionKeys(entryPointUriPath);

The PERMISSIONS variable contains a View and Manage properties, with the values being the computed values based on the entryPointUriPath.

Next, replace the user permissions with the PERMISSIONS variable.

import { useIsAuthorized } from '@commercetools-frontend/permissions';
import { PERMISSIONS } from '../../constants';
const MyComponent = () => {
const canView = useIsAuthorized({
demandedPermissions: [PERMISSIONS.View],

Furthermore, replace the user permissions in the menu links permissions field in the Custom Application config.

"mainMenuLink": {
"permissions": ["ViewAvengers"]

Given that you have defined the constants variables as described above, to avoid duplicating and hardcoding the entryPointUriPath and user permission values you can choose to use the .mjs extension for the Custom Application config file, instead of .json. This allows you to import the variables from the constants file and reference them in the configuration. See supported file extensions for more information.

import { entryPointUriPath, PERMISSIONS } from './src/constants';
const config = {
mainMenuLink: {
permissions: [PERMISSIONS.View]
// ...
export default config;

Remove menu.json

If your Custom Application uses the menu.json file, you need to migrate its content to the Custom Application config file. See Custom Application config for more information.

In addition to that, you should also remove the DEV_ONLY__loadNavbarMenuConfig prop in the <ApplicationShell>.

Development login via OpenID Connect

If you are already using this feature via the opt-in environment variable ENABLE_OIDC_FOR_DEVELOPMENT=true, you can remove the variable as this is now the default behavior.

To use the OAuth Scopes and user permissions in local development, even though the Custom Application hasn't been configured in the Merchant Center yet, the login workflow works a bit differently from before.

Starting the Custom Application locally now redirects you to the login page of the Merchant Center production environment (as defined in the Custom Application config). Upon successful login, you are redirected back to your local development server with a valid session. The session is saved in the sessionStorage (not a cookie like in the production environments) and is sent with each API request as an HTTP Authorization header. It has a short expiration time (hours, not days) and is bound by default to the Project specified in the env.development.initialProjectKey and the OAuth Scopes specified in the oAuthScopes config field.

You can still switch between Projects and the session token is automatically replaced in the background without having to log in again.

Local development and login are only allowed for users being part of the Administrators Team of your Organization.

Assign the Application ID

Before deploying the Custom Application to production with the new setup, you need to define the env.production.applicationId in the Custom Application config.

As long as you are developing the Custom Application locally, you can define any random value as it's a required field.

The Custom Application ID is provided when you add a Custom Application to the Merchant Center (Organizations > Custom Applications > Configure > Add). See Managing Custom Applications in the Merchant Center for more information.

Use the new Custom Application in the Merchant Center

Depending on your deployment setup you might need to consider what migration strategy works best for you and the users of your Custom Application.

We recommend informing the users in your organization about the upcoming migration and a possible unavailability of the Custom Applications during the migration period.

In general, before deploying the changes, you should configure the Custom Application in the Merchant Center first (see Managing Custom Applications in the Merchant Center) and assign the applicationId to the Custom Application config file.

At this point we recommend deactivating and removing the deprecated Custom Application. You can then proceed with the deployment of the new setup.

Finally, you need to install the Custom Application in your Organization and grant access to one or more Projects. The Custom Application can now be used.

Assign user permissions to Teams

One of the new features of the Org-level Custom Applications is the ability to assign OAuth Scopes and user permissions to each Custom Application. Once the Custom Application has been installed to an Organization, admins of the Organization can assign user permissions to each Team.

User permissions for the Administrators Team are automatically managed when Project access is granted or removed.